3033 N 44th StSte 300Phoenix, AZ 85018-7275

Trim Risk - Insurance for Landscapers

Call Us 800-956-4220

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About Us

Why Choose TrimRisk?


TrimRisk is provided in Arizona exclusively through Hill & Usher. No other broker can access Hill & Usher’s exclusive program. Call Hill & Usher for a true second opinion.


Since 1997, TrimRisk has served the landscape, nursery and tree industries. Approaching ten years in existence in Arizona, and 25 years in California, our carrier is a stable and reliable source of coverage for the landscape industry. Other carriers routinely enter and exit the marketplace in the same year due to the fickleness of management, corporate financial pressures and lack of industry expertise.

Premium Predictability

During the hard market of 1999 through 2004 insurance premiums skyrocketed for all contractors, while our customers experienced minimal or no rate increases at all from one renewal to the next-despite the fact other carriers doubled premium charges or left the marketplace altogether. This rate stability provides TrimRisk clients with predictable costs and more reliable short- and long-term budgeting.

Financial Strength

A.M. Best & Company rates Trim Risk’s insurance provider A+ (Superior), XV. For more information about these ratings visit www.ambest.com or contact Hill & Usher.


TrimRisk is designed to cover the risks inherent to the landscape and tree industries. With this simple goal in mind, TrimRisk includes coverage not available elsewhere, including: Subsidence (Sinking of Earth), Condominium and Tract Construction, Herbicide/Pesticide Application Coverage, and limited Professional Liability.


Ranked “#1 Insurance Broker” in Arizona by Ranking Arizona Magazine during 2006, Hill & Usher is widely recognized for delivering the prompt, courteous service insurance buyers expect-but don’t often receive from many insurance firms.

Competitive Rates

TrimRisk’s Auto, Property, and General Liability pricing is extremely competitive. Our new customers regular report savings of $400-$500 per vehicle per year and 25% or more savings on General Liability and Umbrella premiums.